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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

You're Probably Not A Special Needs Parent If...

1. You have money.

2. You drive a small car.

3. You drive a new car.

4. You don't know what IEP stands for.

5. You don't have a small panic attack, cringe, or cry when you hear the word IEP.

6. You go out to eat at restaurants and stay longer than 20 minutes.

7. Going out to eat does not mean going through the drive through at McDonalds.

8. You regularly enjoy meals without someone spitting a mouthful of chewed mush all over your shirt
and then clapping and laughing. This is not done by your baby.

9. Your purse doesn't weigh 5,000lbs and include things like emergency medication syringes, extra-large diapers, special snacks, multiple packs of boogie wipes, or weird toys.

10. Your wallet isn't bursting with business cards from doctors, specialists, therapy places, schools, and support groups.

11. You never get emails titled "Sale! Feeding chair only 1 million dollars (regularly priced at 5 million)"

12. You don't schedule your day based on what kind of mood your child is in.

13. You can go shopping with your children and never end up back in the car crying.

14. You've probably never been bitten, scratched, spit on pooped on, peed on, or thrown up on all in one day. Unless you're a nurse.

15. Poop on the walls is DEFINITLY an emergency.

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