Hi! How are you? I'm good thanks! So I'm moving this blog site over to another blog site at wordpress. If you don't blog this means nothing. It may appear that I'm just showing my Shannon randomness, which I am, changing it all up, which I am, being difficult, which I am, for no reason, which I'm not.
At wordpress I can tag my posts and it's easier for people to find me.I've gained a lot of followers over there. Plus I have pages at the top of the wordpress site which tell readers a little bit about the blog, Oli, and myself.
That way when they stumble into my crazy nonsense ramblings they can be all "What is this? Who is this crazy lady and what is she talking about? Oh! Here is a menu with pages that tell me all these things! Oh! Now I get it! I shall follow this brilliant writer!"
Ok. That may not be how it always goes, but I can dream right?
So. . .I moved.
You can find me at www.mommyhasissues.com now.
I've been updating both blogs, because I didn't want someone to lose me and stop reading, but it's getting exhausting. So now I'll only be writing there. I hope you find me!
By the way, my brother will eventually just reroute this whole thing so when you type in www.sweetoliana.blogspot.com it will automatically take you to www.mommyhasissues.com.
My bro's a computer genius and awesome!
See you soon!
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This blog has moved to www.mommyhasissues.com.
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