“Sometimes crying or laughing are the only options left, and laughing feels better right now.”
― Veronica Roth, Divergent
So since I've recently been entered into the top 25 blog contestant on Circle of Moms I have been reading some of the top blogs. Seriously, there is a reason why the number one blog on there has like 8 million votes. It is hilarious!! I have absolutely no chance when it comes to these women and their humor.
But, I still really appreciate everyone who has voted for me. Keep voting!!! You never know, I could get 8 million votes too :) Plus, I just like the thought of winning something other than the booger off my 2 year olds finger. Seriously...she presents it to me like an award. "Here mommy! Look what I have for you!" She hands it to me like it's one of her prized possessions.
These mom blogs are about how funny it is raising kids. How, ultimately, you do get a little crazy and find yourself doing things that you never thought you'd do. Like responding "Thank you" when someone hands you a booger.
I find it interesting that there are not many funny blogs about raising a special needs child. Oh, they're out there I'm sure and if you know of one please list it in the comments below or on facebook because I would love to read it.
I wonder if it is because no one wants to associate humor with special needs.
There is nothing funny about a child or an adult that has a disability.
And it's really not funny in the beginning when you can't even seem to drag yourself out of bed in the morning because the very thought of the weight now on your shoulders seems like it will crush you.
I don't think I really truly laughed until about a year ago. I was so caught up in all that I couldn't do and all that she wouldn't do that I forgot to laugh and ultimately I forgot to live.
Now I see that those thoughts and sorrow were slowly killing me and if I kept on the path that I was on I was going to die a slow and agonizing death.
Now I see that I just took it all for granted and was so deeply entrenched in self pity that I couldn't appreciate the wonderful life that I had been given.
Now I see that it is possible to move past all of those things and learn to live again and subsequently learn to laugh again.
I've missed that.
I've missed being able to laugh at myself.
It really can be funny.
Having children in and of itself is a funny journey, but having a child with special needs has it's own unique humor. One of my friends on facebook, Jill, posts about the funny things her 6 year old daughter says.
Ella has anophthalmia and makes jokes about her blindness and prosthetic eyes. Her mom posts stories about the humor in their life. Like her whole family panicking in a power outage at night, but little Ella remaining calm and leading her younger brother to the bathroom in the darkness grumbling under her breath that she "doesn't see what the big deal is?" I love stories like that!! (Jill, I hope you don't mind me using you and Ella as an example.)
Yes, it can be sad sometimes, but it can also be hilarious and crazy in a good way.
Sometimes it's okay to laugh and it's okay to talk about the funny parts. I'm glad I realize that now and I'm glad that I remembered what it's like to be funny.
Really all that I want to accomplish with this blog is to help the me's from 5 years ago out there in the world stumbling along in pain trying to figure this whole mess out. If I can reach just one person who knows what I'm talking about and make them feel just a little bit less alone, then I have done the job that I set out to do.
Oh...and somehow writing about my craziness in all it's glory amuses me.
If you want to share my blog and you feel that it may reach someone and help them, please share it. Or if you just like it and want to share it, please do.
It's not about the amount of followers I get, or how many likes I get on facebook, or winning any awards (although all of those things are very nice and I do really appreciate them) (Vote for me!:)
It's just about telling my story, healing through telling it, and maybe helping somebody else.
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